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Heads up!Tickets can be purchased on the day at the entrance. There are online discounts when you pre-book 24 hours before arrival. The Lost World Playbarn requires you to wear (minimum) a sleeved t-shirt (no vest tops), knee length shorts and a pair of socks to ride the slides. The Wave Runner will close forever on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. Please read the 'What's Open' page for more details about what is available when you visit!

Bat Project

Bat Project

Knockhatch Adventure Park Bat Project 2020

Chiroptera make up around 20% of all Mammal life with the exception of Rodentia they are the most common of all mammals (Lei and Dong, 2016). Numerous positive impacts on the ecosystem are attributed to Chiroptera form pest control to disease management (IUCN, 2012). It is due to the extensive role that Chiroptera play in the ecosystem, that it was decided that efforts should be made to provide a rich and diverse habitat for these species as possible at Knockhatch Adventure Park.